Advertising on BoardCrunch

The entire purpose of BoardCrunch is to use our leverage to help aspiring designers get funded! With that purpose in mind, we have a simple advertising program in place. All ads are given the "full run of the house", meaning they will appear on every page within the site. You will be allowed to submit two image sizes.

Image size #1: 728x90px
Image size #2: 250x250px

Your ad will run in rotation, with other active ads, for the duration of your crowdfunding campaign, including a 1-day lead-in launch we also provide. During the 1-day lead-in, we will give you premium placement, which is a 897x360px image, on the home page. The position is not exclusive and may be shared with other Day 1 placements or BoardCrunch specific promotions being run, however, Day 1 ads gain higher priority.

We do not charge for impressions nor clicks, but rather a flat rate for the duration of your campaign.

The current campaign rate is FREE! That's right! As part of our soft launch, we are charging NOTHING until the end of 2017!

Email to initiate your campaign and have your images approved.